At 23 weeks old, the PGR-cre induced PGR-B constitute expression promoted the ovarian tumor progression in female mice. The transcriptomice changes can be divided into two subclass, each represented stage I and stage II ovarian tumor we observed in this study. Stage I is the early stage of ovarian tumor with small amount of PGR-B positve cells observed in the ovary but relatively normal ovarian structures. As expected, stage I transcriptome is similar to the Pgrcre/+ ovary but already exhibited 364 differentiated expression genes suggesting the early transformation of PGR-B positive cells to the neoplasma tissues. Stage II contains snumerous large pleomorphic cells, sometimes well circumscribed tumor, and most of these cells are PGR positve, but still maintains some normal ovarian functions. Stage II exibited 3129 differentiated expression genes that are involved in tumorigenesis pathways such as activated PI3K/AKT signaling, altered cell cycle pathways.