We scored adrenocortical carcinomas and adenomas for abnormal beta-catenin staining, and sequenced the beta-catenin gene in some samples. We compared adrenocortincal carcinomas with and without abnormal beta-catenin staining and found many significant expression differences and significant results from enrichment testing. A similar comparison in the adenomas gave relatively few differences, and they did not correlate to differences found for the carcinomas. Abnormal beta-catenin staining was associated with mitotic rate and poorer patient survival in the carcinomas. In a second independent data set (given in a supplement) we again found beta-catenin associated with poor survival. The array data given is the same as GEO series GSE10927, with additional characteristics about beta-catenin, and new patient followup data. The analysis shown in a supplementary Excel file is also new.