Innate memory phenotype (IMP) CD4+ T cells are non-conventional T cells exhibiting features of innate immune cells, characterized as CD44high and CD62Llow in periphery. It is recently reported by our group that bone marrow chimeric mice lacking thymic MHCI expression develop predominantly IMP CD8+ T cells, while those lacking hematopoietic MHCI develop predominantly nave CD8+ T cells. Here we perform hirarchical clustering analysis and found that CD4+ T cells share similar property: chimeras lacking thymic MHCII gave rise to predominantly CD4+ T cells that resemble IMP CD4+ T cells observed in WT mice, and vice versa, chimeras lacking hematopoietic MHCII had a majority of nave-like CD4+ T cells resembling naveCD4+ T cells seen in WT mice.