Human velocardiofacial syndrom/DiGeorg (VCFS/DGS) syndrom is a complex developmental disease with various expression of a large number of phenotypes. Craniofacial, cardiac, behavioural and endocrinological phenotypes are cardinal symptoms liked to the 22Q11.2 deletion occuring in 1/4.000 births. Several genes located within the 1.5 to 3 Mb deletion resemble a number of phenotypes demonstrated in mouse models for these genes including the endothelin receptor A (Ednra) gene. This is the first report on gene dosage effects observed in a dominant mouse model carrying an EdnraY129F point-mutation. EdnraY129F/+ mice are viable despite a strong cardiac phenotype alike to Fallot's tetralogy concomitant with cardiofacial, otolaryngeal phenotypes and deafness.