Notch receptors direct the differentiation of T helper (Th) cell subsets, but their influence on regulatory T (TR) cell responses is obscure. Interruption of Notch signaling in TR cells resulted in a super-regulatory phenotype, with suppression of TR cell Th1 programming and apoptosis as well as Th1 cell responses in systemic inflammation. In contrast, gain of function Notch1 signaling in TR cells resulted in lymphoproliferation, dysregulated Th1 responses and autoimmunity. To determine mechanisms by which Notch signaling may alter TR cell function, we compared the transcriptional profiles of splenic TR cells of Foxp3EGFPCre mice with those of Foxp3EGFPCreR26N1c/N1c (gain of function Notch signaling), Foxp3EGFPCreRBPJ/ (loss of function canonical Notch signaling), and Foxp3EGFPCreR26N1c/N1cRBPJ/ mice (gain of function/canonical loss of function Notch signaling).