Cholestasis may cause cholemic nephropathy that can be modelled in common bile duct ligated (CBDL) mice. We aimed to explore the therapeutic efficacy and mechanisms of norursodeoxycholic acid (norUDCA) in cholemic nephropathy. To determine whether norUrsodeoxycholic acid (norUDCA) prevents cholemic nephropathy in long-term CBDL mice, a norUDCA-enriched diet (0.125% w/v, corresponding to 200 mg/kg/day for a mouse of 25 g body weight eating about 4g daily) or a standard mouse diet (Sniff, Soest, Germany) were started 5 days prior to CBDL and were continued until harvesting 3 weeks thereafter. For transcriptional profiling using microarray technology, we compared sham-operated (SOP) mice and 3-week CBDL mice that were either fed 0.125% norUDCA-enriched or standard mouse diets.