Genomic imprinting results in the preferential expression of the paternal, or maternal allele of certain genes. We have performed a genome-wide characterization of imprinting in the mouse embryonic and adult brain using F1 hybrid mice generated from reciprocal crosses of CASTEiJ and C57BL/6J mice. We also uncovered genes associated with sex specific parental effects in the adult mouse brain. Our study identified preferential selection of the maternally inherited X chromosome in glutamatergic neurons of the female cortex. Overall design: Examination of allele specific expression in the brains of reciprocal crosses of F1 hybrid mice from CASTEiJ and C57BL/6J crosses. Processed data files (GenomicAligned, SNP_calls, TranscriptomeAligned, fRNAdbAligned) and README file linked below as supplementary files.