To investigate the role of RAD21 in the transcriptional regulation of global gene expression at early stage of colorectal cancer developments, we peformed the genome-wide analysis to map genomic regions bound by Rad21 in normal small testinal crypts and tumors (adenomas) harvested from Apc Min/+ mice using ChIP-seq. ChIP-seq naalysis identified high confidence RAD21 binding sites unique to normal crypts or adenomas, as well as those common to both tissues. We further performed RNA-seq to profile the changes in gene expression from normal WT crypts to adenomas at the very early stage of adenomagenesis in the context of Rad21 heterozygous loss. Overall design: mRNA profiles of normal small intestinal crypts (WT) and adenomas from Apc Min/+ and Apc Min/+:Rad21+/- double mutant mouse; Mapping of Rad21 genomic binding sites in normal intestinal crypts (WT) and Apc Min/+ adenomas