To explore the primary cause of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Bmi1-null mice, we set out to identify differentially expressed genes by massively parallel sequencing of heart samples from Bmi1f/f;aMHCTM-Cretg/+ mice versus aMHCTM-Cretg/+ control mice (17 weeks postinduction). Overall design: Methods: Heart mRNA profiles of 17-weeks post-induction Bmi1f/f; MHCTM-Cretg/+ mice and MHCTM-Cretg/+ control mice were generated by deep sequencing, in triplicate, using Illumina GAIIx. Sequence reads were pre-processed with Cutadapt 1.2.1, to remove TruSeq adapters and mapped on the mouse transcriptome (Ensembl gene-build GRCm38.v70) using RSEM v1.2.3. The Bioconductor package EdgeR was used to normalize data with TMM and to test for differential expression of genes using GLM.