For up to 70 weeks we subcutaneuously injected two hundered p53R270HWAPCre mice to different insulin-like molecules (regular insulin, insulin glargine, insulin X10 (of AspB10), IGF1 or vehicle solution). Due to the mammary gland specific p53 mutation the p53R270HWAPCre mice will develop spontanously human like mammary gland tumors in about a year. We found that frequent injections to insulin like molecules decreased the mammary gland tumor latency time in this model. Next we mRNA seqeunced tumors to reveal the underlying mechanisms for the increased tumor progression. For the next generation experiment we isolated mRNA from 50 tumors (10 tumors of each stimulation group) and sequenced with the IonTorrent (40 mil reads, on average 100 bp reads) Overall design: RNA expression profiles of 50 mammary gland tumors were analyzed, 10 tumors per treatment group (chronic insulin, glargine, x10, IGF1 or vehicle exposure)