The goal is to identify changes in gene expression with aging in the bodies (thorax plus abdomen) of mated female D. melanogaster. We measured lifespan in mated females from several hundred RILs (Recombinant Inbred Lines) derived from the "B" panel of the DSPR (Drosophila Synthetic Population Resource), additionally sampling young (Day 3) and old (day on which at least 50% of the animals were dead) animals. Subsequently we harvested RNA from subsets of the samples, generating 4 pools of RNA from (a) young animals from short-lived lines, (b) old animals from short-lived lines, (c) young animals from long-lived lines, and (d) old animals from long-lived lines. Each pool was used to construct an Illumina TruSeq RNAseq library, all 4 libraries were mixed, and run over a single SR100 HiSeq2500 lane.