Developmentally synchronized animals were obtained by hypochlorite treatment of gravid adults to release embryos. Synchronized embryos were hatched on NGM plates and grown at 20°C until 48 h after the L4 stage of development. Fluorodeoxyuridine was used to prevent the development of second-generation embryos once animals reached fertile adulthood. For each RNA-seq experiment, populations for odIs77[Pcol-19::UbG76V-GFP] and dop-1(vs100); [Pcol- 19::UbG76V-GFP] were grown simultaneously under the same conditions. Total RNA was isolated from animals using trizol (Invitrogen) combined with Bead Beater lysis in 3 biological replicates, and an mRNA library (single-end, 50-bp reads) was prepared for each sample/replicate using Illumina Truseq with PolyA selection. Overall design: Examination of mRNA levels in adults dop-1 mutants and wild-type animals.