In the current study, we investigated the collective roles of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs) on regulation of IRG expression in human choriocarcinoma cells by genome-wide transcriptional profiling. Logic-rules were optimized to derive rules governing gene expression patterns observed upon different combinations of treatment with PTP and HDAC inhibitors. The data reveal that IRGs can be divided into distinct subsets that are differentially modulated by co-treatment of Jar cells with IFN-? and PTP versus HDAC inhibitors, respectively. Furthermore, promoter analysis of the genes governed by the rules identifies transcription factor binding sites associated with the different gene subsets. Thus, the regulatory modes identified in this study provide insights into the complex regulation of inflammatory pathways at the fetal-maternal interface, as well as mechanisms that choriocarcinoma cells may utilize to promote their survival.