To investigate the differences of transcriptional activities between AUG-initiated c-Myc and CUG-initiated c-Myc , we performed a transcriptomic analysis using high throoughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Overall design: Total RNA extracted from KMST6 fibroblast cells stably expressing AUG-initiated c-Myc, CUG-initiated c-Myc, and empty vector (negative control) was subjected to RNA-seq analysis. The sequencing libraries generated from the RNA were analyzed by Illumina Hiseq 4000. The sequencing reads were trimmed for adaptor sequence, and low-complexity or low-quality reads were removed. Subsequently, the sequencing reads were aligned to the human reference GRCh38 genome using Gencode v27 annotations by STAR. Read counts per gene were quantified using the HTSeq Python package.