The objective of this study was to compare the transcriptional repertoire of mature human neutrophils before and after GM-CSF treatment by using oligonucleotide microarrays.
RhoH/TTF negatively regulates leukotriene production in neutrophils.
Specimen part
View SamplesWe report cell type specific Nova HITS-CLIP using BAC-transgenic lines expressing GFP-Nova under the motor neuron specific choline acetyltransferase (Chat) promoter. By comparing transcriptome wide Nova binding map in motor neurons and that in the whole spinal cord, we identified differential Nova binding sites in motor neurons, which correlate with motor neuron specific RNA processing. Overall design: 14 total samples were analyzed. For HITS-CLIP, 4 biological replicates were performed for each BAC-transgenic line, as well as the whole spinal cord. For RNA-seq, 2 biological repliates were performed on the whole spinal cord.
Cell type-specific CLIP reveals that NOVA regulates cytoskeleton interactions in motoneurons.
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View SamplesSUN (Sad1 and UNC-84) and KASH (Klarsicht, ANC-1 and Syne homology) proteins are constituents of the inner and outer nuclear membranes. They interact in the perinuclear space via carboxy-terminal SUN-KASH domains to form the Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton (LINC) complex thereby bridging the nuclear envelope. LINC complexes sustain numerous biological processes by connecting chromatin with the cytoplasmic force generating machinery. Here we show that the coiled-coil domains of SUN-1 are required for oligomerization and retention of the protein in the nuclear envelope, especially at later stages of female gametogenesis. Consistently, deletion of the coiled coil domain makes SUN-1 sensitive to unilateral force generation across the nuclear membrane. However, absence of this domain does not lead to different expression levels of sun-1 and other known meiotic genes in the mutant compared to wild type. Premature loss of SUN-1 from the nuclear envelope leads to embryonic death due to loss of centrosome-nuclear envelope attachment. However, in contrast to previous notions we can show that the coiled-coil domain is dispensable for functional LINC complex formation, exemplified by successful chromosome sorting and synapsis in meiotic prophase I in their absence. Overall design: A total number five samples were analyzed including two independent wild-type replicates and three independent mutant replicates by PE 50bp RNASeq.
Nuclear Envelope Retention of LINC Complexes Is Promoted by SUN-1 Oligomerization in the Caenorhabditis elegans Germ Line.
Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesEffects of the prop-1 and Ghrhr mutations in gene expression during normal aging in mice.
Gene expression profile of long-lived Ames dwarf mice and Little mice.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesGender-specific alterations in gene expression and loss of liver sexual dimorphism in the long-lived Ames dwarf mice.
Gender-specific alterations in gene expression and loss of liver sexual dimorphism in the long-lived Ames dwarf mice.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
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Elevated interferon gamma signaling contributes to impaired regeneration in the aged liver.
Sex, Treatment
View SamplesThe process of liver regeneration can be divided into a series of stages that include initial inductive or priming events through cellular mitosis. Following two-thirds liver resection, the liver undergoes the priming phase, in which cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 activate their respective receptors in hepatocytes. This leads to the activation of several key transcription factors: NF-kB, AP-1, Stat 3, Stat 1, and C/EBP-b and -d . These transcription factors induce the expression of immediate early genes. HGF is also expressed at this time and involved in the transition of quiescent hepatocytes into the G1 phase of the cell cycle. During the G1 phase, delayed early genes are expressed followed by induction of cell cyclerelated genes, both of which require new protein synthesis for their production. Increased expression of FoxM1B and TGF-a occurs at the G1/S transition and is correlated with increased expression of cyclinD1 and decreased expression of cdk inhibitors. During the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, FoxM1B directly elevates cyclinB1, cyclinB2, and cdc25B expression. Additionally, FoxM1B is associated with increased cyclinF and p55cdc, which are involved in completion of the cell cycle following partial hepatectomy. In mice, two-thirds partial hepatectomy promotes proliferation of liver cells and rapid growth of the remaining liver tissue, resulting in complete restoration of organ mass in approximately 7 days (Mackey S. et al. Hepatology 2003 Dec;38(6):1349-52).
Elevated interferon gamma signaling contributes to impaired regeneration in the aged liver.
Sex, Treatment
View SamplesThe process of liver regeneration can be divided into a series of stages that include initial inductive or priming events through cellular mitosis. Following two-thirds liver resection, the liver undergoes the priming phase, in which cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 activate their respective receptors in hepatocytes. This leads to the activation of several key transcription factors: NF-kB, AP-1, Stat 3, Stat 1, and C/EBP-b and -d . These transcription factors induce the expression of immediate early genes. HGF is also expressed at this time and involved in the transition of quiescent hepatocytes into the G1 phase of the cell cycle. During the G1 phase, delayed early genes are expressed followed by induction of cell cyclerelated genes, both of which require new protein synthesis for their production. Increased expression of FoxM1B and TGF-a occurs at the G1/S transition and is correlated with increased expression of cyclinD1 and decreased expression of cdk inhibitors. During the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, FoxM1B directly elevates cyclinB1, cyclinB2, and cdc25B expression. Additionally, FoxM1B is associated with increased cyclinF and p55cdc, which are involved in completion of the cell cycle following partial hepatectomy. In mice, two-thirds partial hepatectomy promotes proliferation of liver cells and rapid growth of the remaining liver tissue, resulting in complete restoration of organ mass in approximately 7 days (Mackey S. et al. Hepatology 2003 Dec;38(6):1349-52).
Elevated interferon gamma signaling contributes to impaired regeneration in the aged liver.
Sex, Treatment
View SamplesAddition of 3 new arrays made from carbon limited chemostat of CENPK113-7D and 3 new arrays made from aerobic carbon limited chemostat of CENPK113-7D Complmentary data to the data of the serie GSE1723.
Exploiting combinatorial cultivation conditions to infer transcriptional regulation.
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View SamplesThe goal of this study was to study this interaction by analyzing genome-wide transcriptional responses to four different nutrient-limitation regimes under aerobic and anaerobic conditions in chemostat cultures of S. cerevisiae. This two-dimensional approach resulted in a new, robust set of anaerobic and aerobic signature transcripts for S. cerevisiae, as well as to a refinement of previous reports on nutrient-responsive genes. Moreover, the identification of genes regulated both by nutrient and oxygen availability provided new insight in cross-regulated network and hierarchy in the control of gene expression.
Two-dimensional transcriptome analysis in chemostat cultures. Combinatorial effects of oxygen availability and macronutrient limitation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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