The tyrosine kinase ErbB2 positive breast tumors have more aggressive tumor growth, poorer clinical outcome, and more resistance to radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. A humanized anti-ErbB2 monoclonal antibody Herceptin and a small molecules inhibitor Lapatinib were developed and approved by FDA to treat patients with ErbB2 amplification and overexpression. Unfortunately, most ErbB2+ breast cancers do not respond to Herceptin and Lapatinib, and the majority of responders become resistant within 12 months of initial therapy (defined as secondary drug resistance). Such differences in response to Lapatinib treatment is contributed by substantial heterogeneity within ErbB2+ breast cancers. To address this possibility, we carried out transcriptomic analysis of mammary tumors from genetically diverse MMTV-ErbB2 mice. This will help us to have a better understanding of the heterogeneous response to ErbB2 targeted therapy and permit us to design better and more individualized (personalized) treatment strategies for human ErbB2 positive breast cancer.
Unraveling heterogeneous susceptibility and the evolution of breast cancer using a systems biology approach.
Specimen part
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Identification and Functional Validation of Reciprocal microRNA-mRNA Pairings in African American Prostate Cancer Disparities.
Specimen part
View SamplesProstate cancer (PCa) tends to be more aggressive and lethal in African Americans (AA) compared to European Americans (EA). To further understand the biological factors accounting for the PCa disparities observed in AA and EA patients, we performed gene profiling using Affymetrix human exon 1.0 ST arrays to identify the differentially expressed genes beween AA cancer and patient matched normal tissues.
Identification and Functional Validation of Reciprocal microRNA-mRNA Pairings in African American Prostate Cancer Disparities.
Specimen part
View SamplesProstate cancer (PCa) tends to be more aggressive and lethal in African Americans (AA) compared to European Americans (EA). To further understand the biological factors accounting for the PCa disparities observed in AA and EA patients, we performed gene profiling analysis using Affymetrix human exon 1.0 ST arrays to identify the differentially expressed genes in AA and EA patients.
Identification and Functional Validation of Reciprocal microRNA-mRNA Pairings in African American Prostate Cancer Disparities.
Specimen part
View SamplesProstate cancer (PCa) tends to be more aggressive and lethal in African Americans (AA) compared to European Americans (EA). To further understand the biological factors accounting for the PCa disparities observed in AA and EA patients, we performed gene profiling analysis using Affymetrix human exon 1.0 ST arrays to identify the differentially expressed genes in EA PCa vs. EA normal.
Identification and Functional Validation of Reciprocal microRNA-mRNA Pairings in African American Prostate Cancer Disparities.
Specimen part
View SamplesExpression profiling of Ewing sarcoma samples in the frame of the CIT program from the french Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer (
Common variants near TARDBP and EGR2 are associated with susceptibility to Ewing sarcoma.
Sex, Age
View Sampleseffect of overexpression of GATA-6 in P19 CL6 induced cells
Wnt2 is a direct downstream target of GATA6 during early cardiogenesis.
Cell line
View SamplesGene expression was measured using microarrays in 8 hour postfertilization embryos, comparing control versus ethanol-treated (2 to 8 hours postfertilization) embryos. This experiment was performed to determine the gene expression changes that occur in response to ethanol treatment as a model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Ethanol exposure disrupts extraembryonic microtubule cytoskeleton and embryonic blastomere cell adhesion, producing epiboly and gastrulation defects.
Age, Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesAlthough the consequences of genotoxic injury include cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, cell survival responses after genotoxic injury can produce intrinsic death-resistance and contribute to the development of a transformed phenotype. Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are integral components of key survival pathways, and are responsible for their inactivation, while PTP inhibition is are often associated with enhanced cell proliferation. Our aim was to elucidate signaling events that modulate cell survival after genotoxin exposure. Diploid human lung fibroblasts (HLF) were treated with Cr(VI) (as Na2CrO4), a well known human respiratory carcinogen that induces a wide spectrum of DNA damage, in the presence and absence of a broad-range PTP inhibitor, sodium orthovanadate. Notably, PTP inhibition abrogated Cr(VI)-induced clonogenic lethality. The enhanced survival of Cr(VI)-exposed cells after PTP inhibition was predominantly due to a bypass of cell cycle arrest and was not due to decreased Cr uptake as evidenced by unchanged Cr-DNA adduct burden. Additionally, the bypass of Cr-induced growth arrest by PTP inhibition, was accompanied by a decrease in Cr(VI)-induced expression of cell cycle inhibiting genes, and an increase in the Cr(VI)-induced expression of cell cycle promoting genes. Importantly, PTP inhibition resulted in an increase in forward mutations at the HPRT locus, supporting the hypothesis that PTP inhibition in the presence of DNA damage may lead to genomic instability, via bypass of cell cycle checkpoints.
Bypass of hexavalent chromium-induced growth arrest by a protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor: enhanced survival and mutagenesis.
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View SamplesThe goal of this study is to perform RNAseq in different sub-types of the zebrafish embryonic dorsal aorta (DA) at 28-30 hpf using TgBAC(runx1P2:Citrine);Tg(kdrl:mCherry) double-transgenic zebrafish embryos. A min. of 3000 cells per population were collected via FACS. RNA was isolated with the RNeasy Plus Micro Kit (QIAGEN, Cat No. 74034). High quality RNA (RIN > 8.0) was sent for RNAseq to the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (WTCHG). 2.2 ng of total RNA was used to generate SMARTer libraries for low-input RNA. Sequencing was performed on an Illumina HiSeq4000 machine with a 75 bp paired end protocol. Sequenced reads were checked for base qualities, trimmed where 20% of the bases were below quality score 20, and filtered to exclude adapters using Trimmomatic (Version 0.32). Sequences were aligned to the Zebrafish Genome Zv10 with STAR with default parameters. Aligned read features were counted using Subread tool: featureCounts method (version 1.4.5-p1). To determine number of mapped reads we used the trimmed data. The alignment has been performed using STAR with default parameters. The number of mapped reads (QC-passed reads count) has been obtain using Samtools mapping statistics (flagstat tool). Overall design: Analysis of 5 different cell types; DN (double negative), SP-kdrl (single positive), DP-R1lo (double positive runx1 low expression), DP-R1med (runx1 medium expressionand) and DP-R1hi (runx1 high expression) in non-injected (Wt) TgBAC(runx1P2:Citrine);Tg(kdrl:mCherry) double-transgenic zebrafish embryos. Analysis was also done of the DN and DP-R1hi populations in runx1-morpholino (MO) injected embryos.
Blood stem cell-forming haemogenic endothelium in zebrafish derives from arterial endothelium.
Specimen part, Subject
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