The immortalized human urothelial cell line, UROtsa, was transformed in six parallel cultures with continual passaging in1 M Cd+2 until the cells were able to attain the ability to form colonies in soft agar and subcutaneous tumors in nude mice. The gene expression profiles between cadmium-transformed and control samples were compared and the differentially expressed genes were identified.
Variation of keratin 7 expression and other phenotypic characteristics of independent isolates of cadmium transformed human urothelial cells (UROtsa).
Cell line
View SamplesIn higher eukaryotes, the large numbers of nuclear-encoded tRNA genes partially ensure the robustness of cytoplasmic protein translation. Here we discover that a loss-of-function in n-Tr20, a member of the nuclear-encoded tRNA Arg UCU family that is expressed specifically in the central nervous systems leads to low but detectable levels of ribosome stalling. In the absence of GTPBP2, a novel binding partner of the ribosome recycling protein Pelota, ribosome stalling increases, leading to widespread neurodegeneration. Our results not only define GTPBP2 as a ribosome rescue factor, but also unmask the disease potential of mutations in nuclear-encoded tRNA genes. In this submission we provide ribosome footprinting data from the cerebella of four strains derived from the C57BL/6J strain with combinations of n-Tr20 and GTPBP2 mutations. Overall design: Examination of ribosome stalling in cerebella from 4 mouse strains derived from the: C57BL/6J (B6J) strain. The nmf205-/- strain has a homozygous mutation in the gene GTPBP2 while the B6J strain has normal GTPBP2. The n-Tr20 J/J strain has a defect in the n-Tr20 tRNA while the n-Tr20 N/N strain has a functional n-Tr20 tRNA. The 4 strains are the 2x2 combinations of these defects and correctly functioning sequences. 2 replicates for each strain. Please note that only BAM files are included in the records since they form the basis of the study''s conclusions. The raw data ribosomal RNA have been filtered and then unique reads mapping to mm10 were computed using tophat and igenome annotations.
RNA function. Ribosome stalling induced by mutation of a CNS-specific tRNA causes neurodegeneration.
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View SamplesMesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) sense and modulate inflammation and represent potential clinical treatment for immune disorders. However, many details of the bidirectional interaction between MSCs and the innate immune comaprtment are still unsolved. Here we describe an unconventional but functional interaction between pro-inflammatory classically activated macrophages (M1M) and MSCs, with CD54 playing a central role. CD54 was upregulated and enriched specifically at the contact area between M1M and MSCs. Moreover, the specific interaction induced calcium signaling and increased the immunosuppressive capacities of MSCs dependent on CD54 mediation. Our data demonstrate that MSCs can detect an inflammatory microenvironment via a direct and physical interaction with innate immune cells. This finding opens new perspectives for MSC-based cell therapy.
CD54-Mediated Interaction with Pro-inflammatory Macrophages Increases the Immunosuppressive Function of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells.
Specimen part
View SamplesBone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are plastic adherent cells that can differentiate into various tissue lineages, including osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondrocytes. However, this progenitor property is not shared by all cells within the MSC population. In addition, MSCs vary in their proliferation capacities and expression of markers. Because of heterogeneity of CD146 expression in the MSC population, we compared CD146-/Low and CD146High cells under clonal and non-clonal (sorted MSCs) conditions to determine whether this expression is associated with specific functions. CD146-/Low and CD146High MSCs did not differ in colony-forming unit-fibroblast number, osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation or in vitro hematopoietic supportive activity. However, CD146-/Low clones proliferated slightly but significantly faster than did CD146High clones. In addition, a strong expression of CD146 molecule was associated with a commitment towards a vascular smooth muscle cell lineage with upregulation of calponin-1 expression. Thus, within a bone-marrow MSC population, certain subpopulations characterized by high expression of CD146, are committed toward a vascular smooth muscle cell lineage.
CD146 expression on mesenchymal stem cells is associated with their vascular smooth muscle commitment.
Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesWe have studied the plasma membrane protein phenotype of human culture-amplified and native Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BM MSCs). We have found, using microarrays and flow cytometry, that cultured cells express specifically 113 transcripts and 17 proteins that were not detected in hematopoietic cells. These antigens define a lineage-homogenous cell population of mesenchymal cells, clearly distinct from the hematopoietic lineages, and distinguishable from other cultured skeletal mesenchymal cells (periosteal cells and synovial fibroblasts). Among the specific membrane proteins present on cultured MSCs, 9 allowed the isolation from BM mononuclear cells of a minute population of native MSCs. The enrichment in Colony-Forming Units-Fibroblasts was low for CD49b, CD90 and CD105, but high for CD73, CD130, CD146, CD200 and integrin alphaV/beta5. Additionally, the expression of CD73, CD146 and CD200 was down-regulated in differentiated cells. The new marker CD200, because of its specificity and immunomodulatory properties, deserves further in depth studies.
Specific plasma membrane protein phenotype of culture-amplified and native human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesThis is a whole transcriptome sequencing data of rat testis. YY1 gene was knocked down in Experimental animals under Sertoli cell specific and puberty specific promoter. These knockdown animals were compared with the control animals.
An integrated transcriptomics-guided genome-wide promoter analysis and next-generation proteomics approach to mine factor(s) regulating cellular differentiation.
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View SamplesThe epidemic character of community-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA), especially the geographically widespread clone USA300, is poorly understood. USA300 isolates carry a type IV staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) element conferring -lactam antibiotic class resistance and a putative pathogenicity island, ACME (arginine catabolic mobile element).
The arginine catabolic mobile element and staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec linkage: convergence of virulence and resistance in the USA300 clone of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
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View SamplesWe previously identified multipotent stem cells within the lamina propria of the human olfactory mucosa, located in the nasal cavity. We also demonstrated that this cell type differentiates into neural cells and improves locomotor behavior after transplantation in a rat model of Parkinsons disease. Yet, next to nothing is known about their specific stemness characteristics. We therefore devised a study aiming to compare olfactory lamina propria stem cells from 4 individuals to bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells from 4 age- and gendermatched individuals. Using pangenomic microarrays and immunostaining with 34 cell surface marker antibodies, we show here that olfactory stem cells are closely related to bone marrow stem cells. However, olfactory stem cells exhibit also singular traits. By means of techniques such as proliferation assay, cDNA microarrays, RT-PCR, in vitro and in vivo differentiation, we report that, when compared to bone marrow stem cells, olfactory stem cells display i) a high proliferation rate; ii) a propensity to differentiate into osseous cells and iii) a disinclination to give rise to chondrocytes and adipocytes. Since peripheral olfactory stem cells originate from a neural crest-derived tissue and, as shown here, exhibit an increased expression of neural cellrelated genes, we propose to name them olfactory ecto-mesenchymal stem cells (OE-MSC). Further studies are now required to corroborate the therapeutic potential of OE-MSCs in animal models of bone and brain diseases.
The human nose harbors a niche of olfactory ectomesenchymal stem cells displaying neurogenic and osteogenic properties.
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MicroRNAs as modulators of smoking-induced gene expression changes in human airway epithelium.
Sex, Age, Race
View SamplesmRNA expression was assayed from bronchial epithelial cells collected via bronchoscopy from healthy current and never smoker volunteers in order to determine relationships between microRNA and mRNA expression in bronchial epithelial cell samples across current and never smokers and within the same individual.
MicroRNAs as modulators of smoking-induced gene expression changes in human airway epithelium.
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