We report the mRNAs bound to ribosomes in peripheral astrocyte processes, thus suggesting local translation in astrocytes. Overall design: Isolation of a synaptoneurosome fraction from mouse cortex in which Astrocyte ribosomes were labeled with eGFP. Immunoprecipitation of GFP from this fraction to obtain astrocyte ribosomes away from the cell body. Performed RNA seq on these purified ribosomes and their bound mRNAs.
Astrocytes locally translate transcripts in their peripheral processes.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesInnate immune memory is a new important area of research. However, innate immune memory at the major mucosal sites remains poorly understood. Here we show that respiratory viral infection induces long-lasting memory alveolar macrophages (AM). Memory AM are programed to express high MHC II, carry a defense-ready gene signature, and produce, upon re-stimulation, neutrophil chemokines. Using a multitude of approaches, we reveal that the priming, but not maintenance, of memory AM requires the help from effector CD8 T cells. T cells jump-start this process in AM via IFN- production. We further find that formation/maintenance of memory AM are independent of monocytes or bone marrow progenitors. Finally, we demonstrate that memory AM are poised for robust trained immunity against bacterial infection in the lung via rapid induction of chemokines and neutrophilia. Our study thus establishes a new paradigm of immunological memory formation whereby adaptive T-lymphocytes render innate memory of mucosal-associated macrophages.
Induction of Autonomous Memory Alveolar Macrophages Requires T Cell Help and Is Critical to Trained Immunity.
View SamplesTo determine the roles of oncogenic EGFR signaling in gliomagenesis and tumor maintenance, we generated a novel glioma mouse model driven by inducible expression of a mutant EGFR (EGFR*). Genetic suppression of EGFR* induction led to significant tumor regression and prolonged survival. But in spite of the initial response, the tumors relapsed invariably and propagated independent of EGFR*.
Development of Resistance to EGFR-Targeted Therapy in Malignant Glioma Can Occur through EGFR-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms.
Specimen part
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An integrated approach to dissecting oncogene addiction implicates a Myb-coordinated self-renewal program as essential for leukemia maintenance.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesTo explore oncogene addiction programs in a genetically defined leukemia context we developed an AML mouse model driven by a conditional MLL-AF9 allele together with oncogenic Ras, which enabled us to examine the consequences of MLL-AF9 inhibition in established disease. In order to produce a tightly regulated system that was easy to monitor, we constructed two retroviral vectors containing dsRed-linked MLL-AF9 under control of a tetracycline response element promoter, and KrasG12D or NrasG12D linked to the Tet-off tet-transactivator, which activates TRE expression in a doxycycline repressible manner. Leukemias were generated by retroviral cotransduction of both vectors into hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, which were transplanted into syngeneic mice. Cells harboring both constructs induced aggressive myelomonocytic leukemia. Five independent primary leukemia cell lines were established from bone marrow of terminal mice. Treatment of these lines with doxycycline rapidly turned off MLL-AF9 expression, and induced terminal myeloid differentiation and complete disease remission in vivo.
An integrated approach to dissecting oncogene addiction implicates a Myb-coordinated self-renewal program as essential for leukemia maintenance.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesUsing an integrative approach combining a Tet-off conditional AML mouse model, global expression profiling following suppression of the driving MLL-AF9 oncogene, and a new Tet-on conditional shRNA expression system we have identified Myb as critical mediator of addiction to MLL-AF9. Suppression of Myb in established AML in vivo terminates aberrant self-renewal and triggers a terminal myeloid differentiation program that precisely phenocopies the effects of suppressing MLL-AF9. Remarkably, suppressing Myb effectively eradicates aggressive and chemotherapy resistant AML.
An integrated approach to dissecting oncogene addiction implicates a Myb-coordinated self-renewal program as essential for leukemia maintenance.
Specimen part
View SamplesPDGF and FGF treatment in E13.5 MEPMs. 4 hr PDGF treated MEPMs (3 replicates), 4 hr FGF treated MEPMs (3 replicates), 1 hr PDGF + PD325901 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 4 hr PDGF + PD325901 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 1 hr FGF + PD325901 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 4 hr FGF + PD325901 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 1 hr PDGF + LY294002 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 4 hr PDGF + LY294002 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 1 hr FGF + LY294002 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 4 hr FGF + LY294002 treated MEPMs (2 replicates) Overall design: 4 hr PDGF treated MEPMs (3 replicates), 4 hr FGF treated MEPMs (3 replicates), 1 hr PDGF + PD325901 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 4 hr PDGF + PD325901 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 1 hr FGF + PD325901 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 4 hr FGF + PD325901 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 1 hr PDGF + LY294002 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 4 hr PDGF + LY294002 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 1 hr FGF + LY294002 treated MEPMs (2 replicates), 4 hr FGF + LY294002 treated MEPMs (2 replicates)
Receptor tyrosine kinases modulate distinct transcriptional programs by differential usage of intracellular pathways.
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View SamplesReceptor tyrosine kinase signaling is critical for mammalian craniofacial development, but the key downstream transcriptional effectors remain unknown. We demonstrate that SRF is induced by both PDGF and FGF signaling in mouse embryonic palatal mesenchyme cells, and Srf neural crest conditional mutants exhibit facial clefting accompanied by proliferation and migration defects. Srf and Pdgfra mutants interact genetically in craniofacial development, but Srf and Fgfr1 mutants do not. This signal specificity is recapitulated at the level of cofactor activation: while both PDGF and FGF target gene promoters show enriched genome-wide overlap with SRF ChIP-seq peaks, PDGF selectively activates a network of MRTF-dependent cytoskeletal genes. Collectively, our results identify a novel role for SRF in proliferation and migration during craniofacial development and delineate a mechanism of receptor tyrosine kinase specificity mediated through differential cofactor usage, leading to a unique PDGF-responsive SRF-driven transcriptional program in the midface. Overall design: Serum Starved MEPMs (4 replicates), 1 hr PDGF treated MEPMs (4 replicates), 1 hr FGF treated MEPMs (3 replicates)
Receptor tyrosine kinases modulate distinct transcriptional programs by differential usage of intracellular pathways.
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View SamplesQuiescent and dividing hemopoietic stem cells (HSC) display marked differences in their ability to move between the peripheral circulation and the bone marrow. Specifically, long-term engraftment potential predominantly resides in the quiescent HSC subfraction, and G-CSF mobilization results in the preferential accumulation of quiescent HSC in the periphery. In contrast, stem cells from chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients display a constitutive presence in the circulation. To understand the molecular basis for this, we have used microarray technology to analyze the transcriptional differences between dividing and quiescent, normal, and CML-derived CD34+ cells.
Transcriptional analysis of quiescent and proliferating CD34+ human hemopoietic cells from normal and chronic myeloid leukemia sources.
Specimen part, Disease, Subject
View SamplesAn unbalanced karyotype, a condition known as aneuploidy, has a profound impact on cellular physiology and is a hallmark of cancer. Determining how aneuploidy affects cells is thus critical to understanding tumorigenesis. Here we show that aneuploidy interferes with the degradation of autophagosomes within lysosomes. Mis-folded proteins that accumulate in aneuploid cells due to aneuploidy-induced proteomic changes overwhelm the lysosome with cargo, leading to the observed lysosomal degradation defects. Importantly, aneuploid cells respond to lysosomal saturation. They activate a lysosomal stress pathway that specifically increases the expression of genes needed for autophagy-mediated protein degradation. Our results reveal lysosomal saturation as a universal feature of the aneuploid state that must be overcome during tumorigenesis. Overall design: RPE-1 cells either untreated or treated with one of Reversine, Bafilomycin A1 or MG132, each condition was done in triplicate. D14-*_Control: untreated control D14-*_Rev: cells treated with 0.5uM Reversine for 24hrs and harvested 48hrs later D14-*_Baf: cells treated with 0.1uM BafA1 for 6hrs D14-*_Mg: cells treated with 1uM MG132 for 24 hrs
Aneuploidy-induced cellular stresses limit autophagic degradation.
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