Chick thymus is the critical site for T cell development and can be damaged by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) derived from Salmonella typhimurium, one of the most deleterious food-borne pathogens. However, the mechanisms remain unclear. Here we reported the first time-series transcriptome research of chick thymus after Salmonella LPS treatment. Overall design: 12 dUTP libraries of thymus samples of newly hatched male chicks were sequenced at 0, 12, 36 and 72 h post LPS treatment with 3 replications at each time point.
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Sex, Specimen part, Disease stage, Treatment
View SamplesThe goal of this project is to detect the effect of visfatin on the iimmune related genes using Digital Gene Expression
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Sex, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesNuclear reprogramming is an inefficient process with only a small proportion of cells successful converting into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. However, in order to molecularly understand the process these rare intermediates need to be identified and isolated for profiling. In the context of this project we purified the rare reprogramming for three cell types (Fibroblasts, Neutrophils and Keratinocytes) by fluorescent activated cell sorting and submitted them, together with the resulting iPS cells, to RNA sequencing.
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Sex, Age, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesThe isolation of pure populations of mouse intestinal stem cells (ISCs) is essential to facilitate functional studies of tissue homeostasis, tissue regeneration and intestinal diseases. However, the purification of ISCs has relied predominantly on the use of transgenic reporter alleles in mice. Here, we introduce a new combinational cell surface marker mediated strategy that allows the isolation of an ISC population transcriptionally and functionally equivalent to the gold standard Lgr5-GFP ISCs. We tested the ability of three cell surface marker mediated isolated strategies (termed SM2, SM4 and SM6 according to the number of key cell surface markers used) to purify ISCs and transcriptionally compared them to established standards, Lgr5-GFP high cells and cells negative for any ISC markers (Negative). The best cell surface marker mediated strategy (SM6) allowed the isolation of ISCs from reporter free mice (SM6-WT) that were functionally and transcriptionally distinct from cells isolated from transgenic mice (SM6-TG) due to Lgr5 haploinsufficiency. Overall design: To adequately benchmark the quality of our method with the existing methods, we performed first RNA sequencing with the Lgr5-GFP strain (C57/Bl6 background) on 5 FACS purified groups: SM2, SM4, SM6, Lgr5-GFPhigh reference population and cells negative or low for all of the cell surface markers used. We also performed RNA sequencing of SM6-TG and SM6-WT cells to investigate in detail potential transcriptional differences between them.
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Sex, Age, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesCompare transcriptional profiles of naïve and primed pluripotent stem cells using high throughput RNA sequencing.
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Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesTo understand the structural interaction of Drosophila melanogaster Rhino-Deadlock complex and to understand how various point mutation in the interacting domains affect piRNA biogenesis in vivo.
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Sex, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesDuring embryogenesis the heart forms as a linear tube that then undergoes multiple simultaneous morphogenetic events to obtain its mature shape. To understand the gene regulatory networks (GRNs) driving this phase of heart development, during which many congenital heart disease malformations likely arise, we conducted an RNA-seq timecourse in zebrafish from 30 hpf to 72 hpf and identified 5861 genes with altered expression. We clustered the genes by temporal expression pattern, identified transcription factor binding motifs enriched in each cluster, and generated a model GRN for the major gene batteries in heart morphogenesis.
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View SamplesSexual differentiation in zebrafish is complex. Although zebrafish sex determination is primarily genetic, hormonal and environmental factors can influence sexual development. 17 alpha-methyltestosterone (MT), a synthetic androgen, induces female-to-male sex reversal in zebrafish. MT treatment is routinely used in aquaculture for production of all-male populations. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying 17 alpha-methyltestosterone induced gonad masculinisation in fish are poorly understood.In this study, we analysed gonad transcriptomes of zebrafish treated with 17 alpha-methyltestosterone during gonadal development (from 20 dpf to 40 dpf and 60 dpf) and compared them with testis and ovary transcriptomes of untreated zebrafish. These data improve our understanding of the role of androgens in teleost sex differentiation.
Histological and transcriptomic effects of 17α-methyltestosterone on zebrafish gonad development.
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View SamplesMasseter and Tibialis anterior muscles from adult female control mice to determine expression differences between muscle groups
Expression profiling reveals heightened apoptosis and supports fiber size economy in the murine muscles of mastication.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesDifferentiation assays with neural progenitor cells of the enteric nervous system (ENS) showed elongated neurite outgrowth under influence of 3,5,3'-Triiodothyronine (concentrations 50 nm and 100 nm). For analysis, neural cells were stained with TUJ1 (beta-Tubulin III). Microarray analysis should enlighten these results on a genetical basis and give hints about the regulation pathways.
Molecular and cell biological effects of 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine on progenitor cells of the enteric nervous system in vitro.
Specimen part, Treatment
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