Mercury is a widespread toxicant in aquatic environment that can cause deleterious effects on fish. Although a number of mercury-regulated genes have been investigated in adult fish, the transcriptional responses of fish embryos to acute mercury exposure are not well understood. In this study, RNA sequencing was used to examine the transcriptional changes in developing zebrafish under a low concentration of mercury exposure from 24 to120 hpf. Our results provide useful insights to help further understand the transcriptional response and detoxification ability of zebrafish embryos following acute exposure to mercury.
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View SamplesTo identify molecular signals that initiate liver regeneration after 1/3 PH
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View SamplesAs an ancient winning strategy of microorganisms, glucose repression mechanism has become specialized to perfection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The galactose (GAL) metabolism network is stringently regulated by glucose repression in yeast and has been a classic system for studying gene regulation. We show here that the population of S. cerevisiae living in fermented milks has autonomously reinstated an ancient version of the structural GAL genes through introgression. The introgressed GAL network has completely abolished the glucose repression and conversed from a strictly inducible to a constitutive system through coordinative polygenic changes in the regulatory components of the network, including transitions in the upstream repressing sequence site of GAL4 that impair Mig1p-mediated repression and loss of function of the inducer Gal3p and the repressor Gal80p. In addition, the introgressed GAL2 gene has been duplicated while the native HXT6 and HXT7 genes have been inactivated, resulting in galactose-over-glucose preference and elevated galactose utilization rate. Relying on the reverse evolution of the GAL network, the non-lactose fermenting yeast has become a dominant species co-existing with other lactose fermenting microorganisms in fermented milks. Our results also provide new clues for developing yeast strains devoid of barriers to co-utilization of different sugars.
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Specimen part, Disease, Cell line
View SamplesThis study presented the preliminary mechanistic studies of teniposide analogs for toxicity reduction
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Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesThe differential expression of gene in bone marrow derived macrophages from Ckip-1 KO mice and WT mice.
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Sex, Age, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesBph6 is a gene that confers rice high resistance to its devastating pest BPH. Understanding the molecular responses of the resistant and susceptible varieties would pave the way to controlling the pest more effectively.
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View SamplesSingle cell RNA-seq was applied for studying the transcriptomic profile in early zebrafish PGCs(primordial germ cells) by choosing three time points during zebrafish embryonic development. The three time points were 6hpf(hours post fertilization, also called shield stage), 11hpf(also called 3-somite stage) and 24hpf(also called prim-5 stage).
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Sex, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesPex3 plays an essential role in peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) import. Loss of Pex3 leads to a spermatogenic arrest.
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Sex, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesTranscriptomic analysis of ZmUbi:ZmNAC111 transgenic maize under under well-watered and 2h dehydration stress conditions
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View SamplesThis study presented the differentially expressed genes post maize infected by Rhizoctonia solani.
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