Ovaries differentiated by hair follicle stem cells, and normal eggs in the body, for transcriptome analysis
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Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesGoal of this study is to identify the transcriptome of human male germ cell subtypes during normal spermatogenesis as a reference for subfertility.
Unraveling transcriptome dynamics in human spermatogenesis.
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View SamplesMolecular mechanism of human meiotic arrest
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Sex, Specimen part
View Samplesnulliparous cd1 female mice were mated. Twenty four hours after detecting hte vaginal plug , the animals were laparatomized and the uterine lumen were transiently-transfected with plasmid harboring HOXA10 or control. Forty eight hours later, the uteri were morcellated in trizol and the RNA was extracted per Trizol protocol. Total RNA was then submitted for microarray analysis
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Sex, Age, Specimen part, Subject
View SampleshES cells display an excellent model to study the developmental mechanisms occuring in vivo both at genetic and epigenetic levels. hES cell line were subjected to global transcriptome analysis to study the differentiation patterns during differentiation of pluripotent hES cells into cardic progenitors and beating cardiomyocytes.
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Specimen part, Cell line, Time
View SamplesBackground: In vitro culture of preimplantation mouse embryos is associated with changes in gene expression. It is however not known if the method of fertilization affects the global pattern of gene expression. Method: We compared gene expression and development of mouse blastocysts produced by intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection and cultured in Whittens medium (ICSIWM) or KSOM medium with amino acids (ICSIKSOMaa) with control blastocysts flushed out of the uterus on post coital day 3.5 (In vivo). Global pattern of gene expression was assessed using the Affymetrix 430 2.0 chip. In addition we compared gene expression in embryos generated in IVF or ICSI using WM. Results: Blastocysts resulting from ICSI fertilization have a reduction in the number of trophoblastic and inner cell mass cells compared to in vivo generated embryos. Approximately 1000 genes are different between ICSI blastocyst and in vivo blastocysts; proliferation, apoptosis and morphogenetic pathways are the most common pathways altered after in vitro culture. Unexpectedly, only 41 genes were statistically different between embryo cultured in suboptimal conditions (WM) or optimal conditions (KSOMaa). Conclusion: The method of fertilization plays a more important role in shaping the transcriptome of the developing mouse embryo than the culture media used.
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View SamplesWe have derived hESC from biopsied blastomeres of cleavage stage embryos under virtually the same conditions we used for the derivation of hESC lines from inner cell mass of blastocyst stage embryos. Blastomere-derived hESC lines exhibited all the standard characteristics of hESC including undifferentiated proliferation, genomic stability, expression of pluripotency markers and the ability to differentiate into the cells of all three germ layers both in vitro and in vivo. To examine whether hESC lines derived from two developmental stages of the embryo differ in gene expression, we have subjected three blastomere-derived hESC lines and two ICM-derived hESC lines grown under identical culture conditions to transcriptome analysis using gene expression arrays. Unlike previously reported comparisons of hESC lines which demonstrated, apart from core hESC-associated pluripotency signature, significant variations in gene expression profiles of different lines, our data show that hESC lines derived and grown under well-controlled defined culture conditions adopt nearly identical gene expression profiles. Moreover, blastomere-derived and ICM-derived hESC exhibited very similar transcriptional profiles independent of the developmental stage of the embryo from which they originated. Furthermore, this profile was evident in very early passages of the cells and did not appear to be affected by extensive passaging. These results suggest that during derivation process cells which give rise to hESC acquire virtually identical stable phenotype and are not affected by the developmental stage of the starting cell population.
Human embryonic stem cells derived from embryos at different stages of development share similar transcription profiles.
Specimen part, Disease, Cell line
View SamplesEwing Sarcoma (EWS) is a devastating soft tissue sarcoma affecting predominantly young individuals. Tyrosine kinases (TKs) and associated pathways are continuously activated in many malignancies including EWS; these enzymes provide candidate therapeutic targets. Using two high-throughput screens with EWS cell lines (a siRNA library and a small-molecule inhibitor library of that predominantly target the TK family), we identified spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) as a candidate actionable target. SYK is highly phosphorylated in the majority of EWS cells, and SYK inhibition by a variety of genetic and pharmacological approaches markedly inhibited EWS cells both in vitro and in vivo. Ectopic expression of SYK rescued the cytotoxicity triggered by SYK-depletion associated with the reactivation of AKT and c-MYC. Transcriptome analysis identified that a Long non-coding RNA, metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1), was dependent on by SYK-mediated signaling. Moreover, c-MYC, a SYK up-regulated gene, bound to the promoter region of MALAT1 and transcriptional activated MALAT1, which further promoted the proliferation of EWS cells. Taken together, the present study identifies a novel signaling involving SYK/c-MYC/MALAT1 as a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of EWS.
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Specimen part, Cell line
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ZNF750 is a lineage-specific tumour suppressor in squamous cell carcinoma.
Cell line
View SamplesZNF750 controls epithelial homeostasis by regulating epidermal-differentiation genes, a role underscored by its pathogenic mutations in esophageal squamous cell cancers (SCCs). However, the precise role of ZNF750 in SCC cell biology remains unclear. In this study, we report that ZNF750 is exclusively deleted, mutated and underexpressed in human SCCs, and low ZNF750 expression is associated with poor survival. Restoration of wildtype, but not mutant ZNF750 protein uniquely inhibited the malignant phenotype of SCC cells both in vitro and in vivo. Notably, ZNF750 promoted the expression of a LncRNA (TINCR) which mediated both cancer-inhibition and differentiation-induction effects of ZNF750. In addition, ZNF750 potently suppressed cell migration by directly inhibiting the transactivation of LAMC2. Together, our findings characterize ZNF750 as a crucial SCC-specific suppressor and uncover its novel anticancer-associated functions.
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