To evaluate the potential protective effects of APS on intestinal health and its mechanism of action, we performed an RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) study in LPS-stimulated porcine intestinal epithelial cells (IPEC-J2) in vitro
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Sex, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesEffect of sulforaphane (SF) on human colon caco-2 cells after 24h treatment
Transcriptome analysis of human colon Caco-2 cells exposed to sulforaphane.
Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage, Cell line, Compound
View SamplesObesity is characterised by increased adipocyte size and number. Analysis of altered gene expression gives better understading about the mechanisms involved/alterted in the development of obesity in this new obese rat model.
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Specimen part
View SamplesObesity is risk factor for development of fatty liver. Analysis of altered gene expression gives better understading about the mechanisms involved/alterted in the development of obesity-induced fattyliver in this new obese rat model.
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Specimen part
View SamplesInsulin degrading enzyme (IDE) is a major enzyme responsible for insulin degradation in the liver. The modulation of insulin degrading enzyme activity is hypothesized to be a link between T2DM and liver cancer. Results provide insight into role of IDE in proliferation and other cell functions.
Modulation of insulin degrading enzyme activity and liver cell proliferation.
Cell line
View SamplesSubcutaneous adipose tissue and longissimus dorsi muacle were isolated from Large White pig at 3 days of age, and subcutaneous and intramuscular stromal vascular (SV) cells were obtained as the procedure modified from previous reports. Six Solexa sequencing samples were collected during subcutaneous and intramuscular SV cells adipogenic differentiation at day 0, 2, 4.
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Age, Specimen part
View SamplesTo screening for gene expression differences between the ovaries of Baimei mutton with double-lambs and single-lamb using RNA-Seq method
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Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesGene differential expression in different pregnant periods and different tissues are detected.
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Specimen part, Time
View SamplesRNA-Seq analysis of intestinal integrity-relevant genes in Caco-2 cell line exposure to aflatoxins M1 and ochratoxin A
No associated publication
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease, Cell line, Race
View SamplesThis study was performed to determine the effects of dietary fat sources, i.e., beef tallow, soybean oil, olive oil and coconut oil (each 3% in feed), on the growth performance, meat quality and gene expression in growing-finishing pigs.
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Sex, Specimen part
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